
fall again

Time again for chilly nights and warm wool. Although it looks like we're in for a week of Indian summer.

I bought my first skein of pricey yarn today. It's a silk and merino wool mix. It's soft and lovely, will make a nice Christmas gift, and I only bought 1 SKEIN. That should be plenty for a neckwarmer. I still need to buy the bulk of my stuff at Hobby Lobby if I don't want to go bankrupt.

I had a the nice surprise of receiving an unexpected check in the mail yesterday, just in time for missions month. Last year I got a nice fat check from my oboe selling just in time for missions month. I love it. God rules.

I'm at the reference desk tonight. Ellie and Justin came in to surprise me for a mini take-your-child-to-work hour. :-) I was so happy to see them. I hate working night shifts - I only get to see Ellie for an hour or so in the morning, as she's sleeping by the time I get home. She sat at the desk with me for a few minutes and "answered" a reference question.