

It's such a fun surprise when I hear Ellie say something new. Her latest favorite words: "belly button" and "chocolate milk." We got her a new kitchen set, and she's been "cooking" up a storm for us. In the fake food set that we got to go with the kitchen, her favorites are the broccoli, donut, and aforementioned chocolate milk container. She was especially delighted with the mini colander, as she always pulls my full-size ones out of the cupboard. She's also bringing new meaning to the phrase "contemplate your navel" as she'll stand in front of the mirror and examine her belly.

We're looking again at a house that we put an offer on last year. Our offer wasn't accepted, but the house is now priced lower than our initial offer. We're hoping that we can jump on it. It's an old, quirky, rambling fixer with a ginormous fireplace and stone lions out front. More on that to come.