
a long stretch

I've gotten the blogging bug again. It's been a full summer since I last posted, and Ellie is now running around the house saying things like "spatula" and "awesome." We've had a busy past few months, including a trip to New England where we all got sick, lots and lots of weddings, and new things to do at work.

In addition to the blogging bug, the knitting bug is back as well. Christmas is just around the corner, so craft season has officially begun. Let me know if you have any cool patterns to send my way.

I'm going up to the U.P. with Julie S. for a women's retreat at the end of the month. It will be nice to take a long drive with such fun company, and I'm sure the foliage will be gorgeous. I have become such a homebody that I hate leaving, especially without Ellie, but I think this trip is going to be a real blessing and a needed breath of fresh air. Not to mention all the knitting that I can get done in the car!