
the very first sign of spring

I haven't even noticed any crocuses yet (maybe because we still have snow on the ground) but I did see the very first sign of spring yesterday - the tree in the picture is just beginning to bloom. It's still in the 30s and 40s here with snow showers on and off. I'm waiting for the proverbial lamb of the end of March, but I don't think we will see it this year.
We are going to see some warm weather next week - in Oklahoma. Hopefully that will not include tornadoes.
Ellie's first tooth FINALLY poked through on Tuesday! You can barely see it but you can definitely feel it. She's been teething on and off since about 4 months old, so needless to say it's a relief to finally see some results. I can't believe that she's going to turn 1 in just over a week. Her vocabulary now includes, in addition to Mama and Daddy, "up, down, uh-oh, dog, no, Ellie, bye-bye, nose, duck," and several other noises that we can't quite recognize yet but I'm sure she knows exactly what they mean. She also recognizes, but can't quite say yet, the words bath and "sneezy juice" (her Zantac which makes her sneeze everytime she takes it.)