Yes, it is official... I wrote my first ever letter of acceptance this morning in response to the official job offer from the MSU Libraries! Praise the Lord! This means so much for Justin and me both... primarily as an answer to prayer for whether to stay here in Lansing and continue to invest in ministry on campus, plus it is going to help us out tremendously with finances. I really feel like God has put me here strategically - right in the heart of things at MSU - both for opportunity with students and my friends and coworkers here at the library. This whole past nine months I've had a peace about my work and being in the right place at the right time. It's been obvious to me that God has been helping me with everything from providing opportunities for projects to doing my everyday tasks and giving me an extra push of confidence when I'm speaking. I've really felt His presence and peace at work unlike ever before. I'm so excited for what that could mean for ministry opportunities for us. If you remember, please pray for me that I won't miss out on what He's doing... that I would recognize it instantly in whatever situation I'm in and take the opportunites that He provides. You know me... only able to focus on one thing at a time. Pray that I'll never be so focused on work as to be unaware of His working.