
happy memorial day

I've been waiting to post until I've downloaded our pictures from Saugatuck and our anniversary weekend, but I should get to that soon. In the meantime, we had a nice, relaxing memorial day weekend.

Saturday was a day of cleaning, babysitting, and generally getting things done. It was HOT here! Mid-90s and high humidity made for a scorcher. And to think, last weekend I was wearing a scarf and nearly getting blown away at Lake Michigan. Gotta love that weather. We also saw X-3 on Saturday. If you're going to see it, make sure you stay through the end of the credits to see the extra scene. A little surprise!

Sunday was barbecue day... we had about 25 people over from church for a fun cookout. We now have an entire fridge drawer filled with nothing but meat. I should be in Atkins paradise but frankly I'm a little grossed out!

Monday we went to Bath to see their very cute and small memorial day parade. The best part was Justin and I getting pelted with candy by the driver of the big red fire truck, very officially pictured to the right. :-)

Monday I also went over to help Jess set up her new apartment. It ended up being more of a personal potty-training coaching session for Joey! I think I've run out of ideas to persuade him to poop. No amount of telling him how fun it was or bribing him seemed to work! Ah, the joys of future parenthood!

We also went to see the DaVinci Code last night. I didn't think it was as bad as the reviews have made it out to be, but we did bust up laughing at the very dramatic portrayal of the Council of Nicea, the description of the Star of David as a "blade and chalice," and at the ending revelation "You are the descendant of Jesus Christ!" I think that part was supposed to be serious but I couldn't help giggling, and Kevin was cracking up as well.