
how time flies...

Yesterday, if you can believe it, Ellie turned 8 weeks old. She is just now starting to do well if i put her down in her bouncer or bassinet for a nap so I can get a few things accomplished, hence the lack of blog postings and the poor correspondence with many of you. She is finally beginning to act a bit more like a normal baby! Her reflux is much more under control, and she is having much longer periods of alertness. She's starting to be fascinated by her toys, our ceiling fans, and anything with a high contrast. She is just about the cutest thing I have ever seen.

We have had a parade of family for the last month. It's been great to see everyone. This weekend my dad and Lynne are here, hence the pic of Ellie and her Poppy. The last visitors were Mom and Richard two weeks ago, and the Millers came out two weeks before that. Next on the list are the aunties... Alison and Deena. We hope to see them this month sometime.

I have been keeping my Flickr site updated at the very least. For pics of Ellie, you can click here. Until I go back to work, large chunks of time are rare for me to post (Ellie is asleep in her bouncer right now, hand up in the air) but I will try and get as much up as possible.