
counting down

I have pictures of the church shower to post, which will occur as soon as I get to my laptop. The shower was last Saturday and a wonderful time. I have been really overwhelmed by everyone's generosity and their excitement for Ellie to be born. This is the hardest waiting I have ever done. I thought it was hard to wait for Justin to get back from Cambodia before we were married, but at least I knew when he was coming! I still feel like Ellie's not going to come out and I'm going to be pregnant for the rest of my life. I guess that's first-time mom jitters.

The weather has been turning warmer here and it's wonderful. We'll still probably have a cold snap before it breaks altogether but we've been enjoying lots of 50s and 60s. It's finally been warm enough for sandals and I celebrated by wearing a (very large) skirt for the first time since the early fall. I have felt very skirt-deprived all winter. It will be nice to wear normal clothes again eventually.

Today is my lat day of work until July. It really doesn't feel like it at all. The longest I've ever been off of work since my first job has been 2 months - first to go to China and then summer unemployment in Kansas City. The thought of being off for 14 weeks is insane. Wonderfully insane, but I still can't wrap my brain around it. I have a feeling that I'm going to miss and appreciate my job a lot more from the time off - which is a nice feeling. In the past it's been much more of a "good riddance" when I have some vacation!

We went out and got a camcorder last night! It's funny, the last time I owned a video camera it sat on my shoulder and popped out full-size VCR tapes. This one has only a hard drive and fits completely in the palm of my hand. It's insane. I know I sound like an old lady... "Back in my day..." but I guess I am getting pretty old. :-) Seeing that making home movies and recording in general was one of my all-time favorite activities when I was a kid, I'm suspecting that some interesting video blogging might result from this latest purchase! Look out YouTube. I've had to promise Justin already that I won't stalk him with the video camera as is my natural tendency. That will take a lot of self-control on my part.