
i did it!

My new bike has a much lighter frame and is a LOT easier to pedal, so I rode the whole 8 miles to work today for the first time.... and NO popped tires!

We had a really packed weekend. Saturday afternoon we stopped at Heather's house for a BBQ... see cute picture of Jillian above. Saturday night we took the youth group to a rally in Tecumseh. We were under the impression that Tecumseh was right outside of Jackson and it would take us just over an hour to get there. Two hours later we showed up! We didn't miss too much though, just the "socializing" bit. Last night Lynn hosted the back-to-school party for said youth at her house. It was a blast... you did have to watch out for kids flying through the air however as they were getting dunked in the pool at the alarming rate of several per minute.

We're doing a missions emphasis this week at church, and we have events scheduled through Wednesday. We had missionaries speak at both services on Sunday; one from Malaysia and one from Alabama. Tonight we have one from West Africa, and I'm going home early this afternoon to try to whip up some Moroccan dishes for a dinner. We're going to put the people that show up through a mini Focus orientation dinner... they are going to have to eat whatever I put in front of them with their hands and try to witness to Tim and Jerri who will be posing as native "Slobovians." It's going to be really fun to see how the church folks react, many never having been overseas or eaten "weird" food.